Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

Lightning Returns Demo Available Now + Download & Play for Exclusive DLC

Update: Once you complete the demo and share the Zaltys battle score via Outerworld Services (active in the settings), you won’t receive a confirmation message about unlocking the outfit. However, when you play the full game, it will be available to you in the Rewards Barter Shop, which is in the main menu.

(Thanks Lee for clarifying this!)

Last week, we reported that Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII demo was available on Xbox marketplace. Surprisingly, it become soon clear that the appearance of the demo was a pure mistake and it was soon taken down by Microsoft.  But now we’re finally getting an official release!
samuraiThe demo is now available in Northern America and tomorrow  in Europe. If you can beat the Zaltys monster at the end of the demo and you post your score via Outerworld, you unlock the Siegfried Garb in the full game.

Alongside the Seigfried gard,  Northern American PS3 users will unlock an exclusive special samurai garb, Utsusemi Samurai, by downloading the demo. This outfit won’t be available on Xbox 360 or in the (near) future. The samurai outfit exclusive to North American players.

19 replies »

  1. Played the demo, loved it. I cannot do anything with the outerworld, get a system error….must be because I am only a silver member on xbox live. If I have to have gold to use this game to it’s full potential I may skip the pre-order as well as the whole game. I wish game developers would start boycotting MICRO$OFT for not letting us poorer people enjoy every aspect of the games.

  2. I have been following this site for a couple months and its gotten to the point where I check it daily – thank you for the continuous amazing coverage!!

    I do have a quick question regarding Lightning Returns:
    For the garbs being listed as preorder exclusives in NA (the two samurai outfits in Gamestop and the yuna garb in Amazon), will they be sold at a later date as DLC?

    Thank you!!! :)

    • Aws! This melt my heart! Thank you for the continuous support! You don’t know how much it means to me! :)

      And to the question: It’s not 100% sure they will be available but, for example, Cloud outfit, which was a pre-order bonus in Japan, came a few weeks later available for everyone. This means these outfits are likely going to be available as well at some point.

      Now I would be deciding which one of these outfits I would like to pick up. If you buy the collector’s edition guide you will get a samurai costume, so perhaps going with Yuna’s garb pre-order bonus is better choice since there are easier ways to get the samurai ones.

      Which one are you going to pick up? :)

  3. wtf is with the north american exclusives, first collectors and now exclusive dlc…. SE i’ve lost my faith in you, neglecting eu so much

    • i absolutly agree with you,,
      this is outrages and beyond of being unfair,
      sorry but i think european region should be on STRIKE!!
      and not buy a single ff lighting returns copy,,
      thats would definitly prove a point!

      altough it would hurt = (
      square enix let europe really down,,
      and i wish that a big petition could be signd!!! if only knew how

      • I agree. This sure is a weird situation since we are used to the get stuff more here in Europe usually. Perhaps there are inner fights going in SE and that’s why we face this lack of goodies. Or perhaps SE EU is playing it safe? I personally felt that many of us were saving their pre-order for CE. Sigh.

        I wish SE would react and listen to the European fans more like the CEO promised from his letter.

    • Are you aware that the decision to include exclusives and Collectors’ Editions is made by the distributor (Square Enix North America, Square Enix Europe) and not the main headquarters (Square Enix Japan)? You can’t blame the entirety of Square Enix because Europe is not getting any exclusives. SE Japan’s job is to make games. SQNA and SQEU’s jobs are to market the game and distribute and localize the games. If SQNA believes making exclusives would sell the game more in NORTH AMERICA, then that’s something they’ll do. Again, the only people to blame is to blame SQEU.

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